Month: March 2022

  • Lent / 4 – Generosity

    During this Lent period, we will be looking at Spiritual practices and habits to help us seek God and hear from Him about His plans for us. This week we are focusing on generosity. How does practice of generosity help us to connect closer with God? How can we live lives of generosity? How can a spirit of generosity change a community? How can it change the world! Philippians 2:5-8 Mark 12:41-44 Matthew 6:1-4 "The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward." (Carol Ryrie Brink.) Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow Streatham Vale Baptist Church on Social Media: @streatham_vale_baptist_church on Instagram @Rev_AlexFisher to follow Pastor Alex on Twitter Email Pastor Alex at

  • Lent / 3 – Meditation

    During this Lent period, we will be looking at Spiritual practices and habits to help us seek God and hear from Him about His plans for us. This week we are focusing on meditation. What is the purpose of meditation? How does meditation help you to connect with God? How does meditating on God encourage us to follow His plans? How might meditation allow us to see God moving and transforming the world? As we consider the role of meditation in helping us see transformation in this world let us open ourselves to the wonders of seeing God's Kingdom being established on earth, in our communities, neighbourhoods, families and friendships. Joshua 1:1-9 Guided Meditation on Psalm 37:1-7 Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow Streatham Vale Baptist Church on Social Media: @streatham_vale_baptist_church on Instagram @Rev_AlexFisher to follow Pastor Alex on Twitter Email Pastor Alex at

  • Lent / 2 – Fasting

    During this Lent period, we will be looking at Spiritual practices and habits to help us seek God and hear from Him about His plans for us. This week we are focusing on fasting. Do you fast to help you focus on God? What do you fast for? How does fasting help you to connect with God? How might fasting allow us to see God moving and transforming the world? 2 Samuel 1:1-4; 11-1215 Jonah 3 Ezra 8: 21-23 Luke 4:1-13 Isaiah 58:6-9 Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow Streatham Vale Baptist Church on Social Media: @streatham_vale_baptist_church on Instagram @Rev_AlexFisher to follow Pastor Alex on Twitter Email Pastor Alex at

  • Lent / 1 – Prayer

    During this Lent period, we will be looking at Spiritual practices and habits to help us seek God and hear from Him about His plans for us. This week we are focusing on prayer: an intimate conversation with God in which we seek God's will while speaking to Him about anything and everything that is on our hearts. How are you connecting to God through your prayers? Do you expect and long for God to do dramatic, miraculous things through your prayers? Is there anything you feel is too small or inconsequential to come to God with? Think about these things as you reflect upon the importance of prayer for your life and for this world. 2 Kings 18:5-7; 19:14-19 Matthew 6:5-15 Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow Streatham Vale Baptist Church on Social Media: @streatham_vale_baptist_church on Instagram @Rev_AlexFisher to follow Pastor Alex on Twitter Email Pastor Alex at