Month: June 2021

  • Loving Like Jesus: Challenging Injustice

    Part of loving others like Jesus does means that we don't allow injustice to go unchallenged. This week we reflect on one of the many times Jesus challenged the injustice He encountered around Him John 2:13-25 Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow Streatham Vale Baptist Church on Social Media: @streatham_vale_baptist_church on Instagram @Rev_AlexFisher to follow Pastor Alex on Twitter Email Pastor Alex at

  • Making a difference: Loving Like Jesus Does

    As we continue in our series of looking at the gospel of John while asking the question: How do we love others as Jesus does, we consider the importance of making a difference, even in small ways to those around us. How can you make a difference in your neighbourhood, friendship groups or family this week?

  • Loving Like Jesus: Truly Seeing People As They Are

    We continue our series where we travel through some of John's Gospel and ask ourselves the question: How do we love others as Jesus loves us? Jesus does not judge us based on first glances. He sees into every person's heart and sees their true worth and value. Reflect as we consider the importance of seeing people's true worth. How can we learn to see people as they truly are, looking beyond the surface of initial impressions. John 1:43-51 Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow Streatham Vale Baptist Church on Social Media: @streatham_vale_baptist_church on Instagram @Rev_AlexFisher to follow Pastor Alex on Twitter Email Pastor Alex at

  • How to love like Jesus: Show up!

    This week we begin a new series where we travel through some of John's Gospel and ask ourselves the question How do we love others as Jesus loves us? For our first week in the series, we see the need for us to show up. In order to love someone, we need to be present! Listen as we explore this topic. John 1:1-14 Subscribe to the YouTube Channel Follow Streatham Vale Baptist Church on Social Media: @streatham_vale_baptist_church on Instagram @Rev_AlexFisher to follow Pastor Alex on Twitter Email Pastor Alex at